Cdt Eclipse For Mac

I'm building a plugin on Mac OS X using Eclipse CDT, which streams some data via libwebsockets to a browser websocket connection. The compilation process works fine, and I'm able to run my plugin i.

Eclipse is a 'Java IDE', but it is also so much more. With the proper plug-ins, one can use Eclipse to work with PHP, Ruby, and Groovy, C, and C++. In this article, you will get started with the Eclipse C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT).

  • 4) Once the download is done. Go to the download folder, you would find a file named “eclipse-java-mars-2-macosx-cocoa-x8664.tar” (the file name may be different based on the version you download but it should be a tar file starting with word eclipse).
  • Add this URL to your Eclipse Installation to reach this solution's update site. 2020-09 (4.17)

Before we start, you need to install the following:

    • We're using the CDT, which is a plug-in to Eclipse, so of course you need Eclipse.
    • Okay, I know you want to build C++ code, but we're using Eclipse. Eclipse is a Java application itself, so it needs a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Eclipse V3.2 requires a JRE of V1.4 or higher. If you want to also use Eclipse for Java development, you'll need a Java Development Kit (JDK).
    • Since we are using C/C++, we need to install the CDT. See instructions below.
    • If you're using Microsoft Windows, you will find Cygwin – which provides a Linux-like environment on Windows – helpful.

The Eclipse CDT

The Eclipse CDT is an Eclipse plug-in that transforms Eclipse into a powerful C/C++ IDE. It was designed to bring many of the great features Eclipse enjoyed by Java developers to C/C++ developers, such as project management, integrated debugging, class wizards, automated builds, syntax coloring, and code completion. When Eclipse is used as a Java IDE, it leverages and integrates with the JDK. Similarly, the CDT leverages and integrates with standard C/C++ tools, such as g++, make, and GDB. This has lead to it becoming very popular on Linux, where those tools are readily available and used for most C++ development. The CDT can be set up on Windows to use the same tools. There is also an ongoing effort to get the CDT to work with Microsoft's C++ tools to make it even more attractive to Windows C++ developers.

Installing the CDT

We start by assuming you installed Eclipse and can run it. If not, consult Eclipse's Web site for getting up and running. Let's install the CDT. The CDT is an Eclipse plug-in, so it uses Eclipse's Software Updates feature. Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.

Figure 1. Eclipse Software Updates

Figure 2. Search for new features

If you're using a newer version of Eclipse, the Callisto or Europa discovery sites should be included. Simply select it and click Finish.

Figure 3. Callisto Discovery Site

Eclipse might ask you to choose from a list of mirror sites for the Callisto Discovery Site. Pick whatever one seems closest to you. You should see a list of plug-ins from the Callisto Discovery Site. You'll want to select C and C++ Development and click Next.

Figure 4. Available Callisto plug-ins

You'll be asked to accept the license for the CDT. Once you've done that, you can click Next. You'll see a summary of what's going to be downloaded and installed. Simply click Finish.

Figure 5. Download and installation summary

Eclipse's Update Manager will then download the CDT plug-in from the mirror site you selected earlier. The CDT is about 11 MB total, so this could take a few minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. Once everything is downloaded, you'll be asked to confirm that you want to install the new features. Click Install All.

Figure 6. Confirm installation

After you finish installing CDT, you'll be asked to restart Eclipse. Go ahead and do that. Once Eclipse restarts, the CDT will be ready to go.

Windows Configuration

If you're running Eclipse on Linux or Mac OS X, you're ready to start using the CDT to develop a C++ application. If you're on Windows, there might be a few more steps. As mentioned, CDT relies on the standard GNU C++ development tools: g++, make, and GDB. These are usually included on Linux or Mac OS X. They're usually not included with Windows. But don't worry. These tools can be easily installed on Windows. Perhaps the easiest way is to install Cygwin. Cygwin provides Linux-like environment on Windows. When installing Cygwin, you'll be asked to pick the packages you want to install. Make sure to go into the development section and select gcc: g++, make, and GDB. This will cause their prerequisites to be installed, too.

Once you're done installing Cygwin, you'll need to add g++, make, and GDB to your path. The easiest way to do this is to add Cygwin's bin directory to your path, since that's where g++, make, and GDB can be found. Once that's done, restart Eclipse.

Cdt eclipse for mac catalina

Cdt Eclipse For Mac Mojave

Source: Tonya Pierce and Saylor Academy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

On Windows, Linux/Unix, OS X

Copyright © 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Max Berger

This howto has been avaiable under different versions at different times.

This document is licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v2.0 (EPL v2.0), or any later version. Please see for details.

Versions between August 2011 and December 2019 where proprietary. They are not be copied, distributed, published, or larger parts being cited without the consent of the author. Small excerpts may be cited if proper attribution including a link to the authors website is given. All rights reserved.

Previous versions of this document (prior to August 2011) where published under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.2. Please refer to the appropriate document version should you want to chose that license. Please note that the GFDL does not apply to newer versions, e.g. this version of the document!

  • Setting up a compiler
  • Setting up Eclipse
  • Common Problems
  • Older Instructions

There are several freely available C and C++ development environments. Most of them have the disadvantage that they require one particular operating system. The Eclipse IDE was written as a cross-platform development environment. Initially just written for Java, it also has a very good C/C++ development mode.

If you have already tried (and I assume failed, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this document) to install Eclipse CDT, you may want to go directly to the section called “Common Problems”.

This document describes how to install everything necessary to develop with C or C++ using only free tools on the three major operating systems Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It uses the Eclipse IDE, which is the same on all operating systems, thus providing a consistent user experience once installed.

There are two versions of this document:

The free online version

The free version of Setting up Eclipse CDT on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X can be found on Max Bergers website. It will always be the previous major revision of the document.

A paid eBook version

The eBook version of Setting up Eclipse CDT on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X is distributed through,, and It will always be the current major revision of the document.

Cdt Eclipse For Mac Os

At this time, the eBook version contains updates for the following items which are not yet in the free version:

  • There are no updates in the ebook version at this time.

Eclipse Cdt For Mac

Screenshots may still reflect older versions of the used software, they are only updated if there is a significant change.